Trade Law and Sanctions
Key contacts
Practice area
Antitrust, Competition and Trade
- Antitrust, Competition and Trade
- Abuse of dominance and economic dependence
- Competition and cartel investigations
- Compliance
- Digital markets
- Foreign investment screening
- Foreign subsidies control
- General EU law, free movement of goods, services and capital
- Horizontal agreements
- Merger Control
- Unfair trading practices (UTP)
- Private enforcement
- Regulatory
- State aid and EU subsidies
- Trade law and sanctions
- Vertical agreements
Banking & Finance
Corporate Crime, Compliance & Forensics
Corporate / M&A
Dispute Resolution
Employment, Labour & Pensions
ESG – Environmental, social and governance
Intellectual Property
Public Procurement
Real Estate
TMC - Technology, Media & Communications
In today’s complex global business environment, LawLex helps companies stay compliant while keeping supply chains operational. Export control and sanctions regimes often lack clear guidance, making even routine transactions potential financial and reputational risks. Our multijurisdictional team navigates evolving export control requirements, trade sanctions, and embargo rules at both EU and national levels. We assess risks, conduct due diligence, draft contractual safeguards, and implement compliance frameworks. When enforcement issues arise, we provide strong defense in collaboration with our leading white-collar practice.
We also advise on trade disputes and trade defense matters, including anti-dumping and anti-subsidy proceedings. Our team has extensive experience representing clients in EU trade defense cases, from initial investigations to review proceedings before the European Commission and EU Courts. Additionally, we guide businesses on the impact of trade agreements and WTO regulations on cross-border goods and services, drawing on the expertise of our highly regarded tax and customs teams.
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Local market knowledge Global outlook
We provide future-facing legal advice to help your organisation thrive. Combining local market knowledge and a global perspective, and with lawyers in locations worldwide, your organisation benefits from the expertise it needs, even across borders.